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Our Services
We find tailored housing solutions for people across Michigan who are experiencing crisis, homelessness, or facing obstacles due to a disability, income or hardship.
Housing Programs & Resources
Housing Resource Center (HRC)
Our Housing Resource Center (HRC) is a free service and first step for anyone in a housing challenge. Our trained specialists can help connect callers to programs and resources to address housing needs.
Short-Term Programs
We provide resources for individuals and families who are facing a housing crisis or struggling to maintain housing stability. Our Rapid Rehousing, Homeless Prevention, and Housing Stability Services are designed to help our participants avoid homelessness or regain housing as quickly as possible.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing is affordable, long-term housing with built-in care and support for people with a disability who are experiencing homelessness. Supportive housing prioritizes the health and well-being of our community members and provides resources to help them stay in their homes permanently.
Homeless Street Outreach
Our PATH program provides street outreach to locate those who are experiencing on-the-street homelessness to offer resources and support.
Homeless Service Resources
These resources can help you find information about emergency shelters, subsidized housing, and housing choice voucher (Section 8) waitlists. CHN provides this information to help you navigate to services that other organizations provide.
Homeownership Programs
Our homeownership programs help low- and moderate-income
households purchase a quality, affordable home. These programs are
available for specific homes in Oakland and Macomb counties that
have been purchased and rehabilitated by Community Housing
Services For People With Disabilities
Oakland Housing Link (OHLink) Roommate Matching
OHLink is an innovative tool created to help case managers and support coordinators find housing options and vacancies for adults receiving services through OCHN. The tool also includes a Roommate Matching database.
Springhill Special Needs Pooled Trust Account
A nonprofit organization, Springhill Pooled Accounts Trust helps individuals with special needs protect their eligibility for public benefits and manage their financial assets.
Getting My Own Address
Getting My Own Address (GMOA) is a program to educate and assist individuals with any disability, their families, and other natural and professional supports in creating a successful long-term housing plan that can be implemented at a time of choice or need.
Homebuyer & Financial Education Classes
Homebuyer Education Classes
Whether you are just starting to consider homeownership, or are well along in the process, our classes can help! Please click the button to register for the upcoming webinar of your choice.
Rent Right Program
Free rental education webinars designed to provide practical and useful guidance around being a successful tenant, protecting your rights, housing affordability and how to recognize and report rental discrimination.
Financial Education
Community Housing Network offers a Money Management Course, Post Purchase Homeownership program, and a free Financial Literacy webinar. These programs provide personal finance tools and information for first-time homeowners.